Children Art Project

The Pioneer Awards celebrate the power of digital art to advance the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Through the WEDO Entrepreneurial Arts Education Program, young artists drive social change, inspire innovation, and honor trailblazing leaders, showcasing how creativity builds a brighter, more equitable future.

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Celebrating the Link Between Digital Art and the UN SDG

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The Pioneer Awards highlight the transformative power of digital art in advancing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Through the collaboration between Women’s Entrepreneurship Day Organization (WEDO) and our WEDO Entrepreneurial Arts Education Program, digital art serves as a medium for creativity, healing, and empowerment.

Enhancing Well-Being

Fostering Education

Promoting Inclusivity

Driving Innovation

By providing a platform for young artists, we foster a sustainable future while inspiring dreams and personal growth.


A Story of Impact

One remarkable example comes from our partnership with underprivileged, disabled girl students from The Riverview School 277Q in Queens. These students create stunning digital artworks that celebrate the achievements of trailblazing women entrepreneurs. Their art pieces are transformed into the WEDO Pioneer Awards, unveiled annually at the United Nations, symbolizing resilience, creativity, and global leadership. This initiative aligns with:

Creating opportunities for marginalized students.

Empowering young girls to lead.

Giving a voice to the underrepresented.


Digital Artists as Social Activists​

Our favorite digital artists are the talented students from The Riverview School 277Q. Through their art, they honor trailblazing women entrepreneurs and inspire healing and empowerment. These young changemakers demonstrate the transformative power of digital art in advancing the UN SDGs and creating a better world.

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