Catherine Gray is the producer of the groundbreaking new documentary “Show Her The Money”, featuring rock-star female investors who invest in diverse women entrepreneurs with innovations that will change the world. She is doing a 50-city grassroots tour of the film to encourage more women to invest in female-founded funds to move the needle on women getting less than 2% of venture capital funding.
Catherine is also an author, TEDx speaker, podcast host, founder of She Angel Investors and co-founder of the non-profit She Angels Foundation. Plus, she hosts and produces the popular podcast series Invest in Her, distributed on Apple, Spotify, IHeart Radio and wherever you listen to podcasts. Catherine has produced, co-produced and directed several documentaries, including I Can’t Marry You, with Ellen DeGeneres’ mom Betty as narrator for PBS, Millionaires True Stories and several LGBTQ films for LOGO. She also helped start a gay cable network and produced a series called Way-Off Broadway with trailblazing entertainers and recording artists. Currently, she is co-producing Millennials Are Killing Musicals, with plans to go to Broadway. This female-driven show focuses on motherhood and the impact of social media. The team behind it is 80% women.